Commercial Laundry in and around Morgan City, LA
Do you have a business that creates dirty laundry? Many different businesses must do laundry as part of doing business, but who does that laundry? Do you waste employee time and your resources to do your laundry? Why not try Angie's Stop and Wash's commercial laundry service instead? We will wash just about any type of laundry that you have to give us.
- Restaurants / Catering - chair covers, linen napkins, tablecloths
- Pet Grooming –towels, pet beds
- Hotels / Motels - towels, comforters, sheets
- Airbnb / VRBO - area rugs, towels, beach towels, sheets, blankets, kitchen towels
- Hospitals / Clinics - uniforms, bed linens, scrubs
- Doctor's Offices –uniforms, gowns
- Mechanics –uniforms, work rags
- Gyms / Spas - towels and robes
- Industrial Businesses - uniforms, rags, towels
- Colleges - student laundry, department laundry
- Sports Teams - uniforms, towels
- Restaurants / Catering - chair covers, linen napkins, tablecloths
If your business is not on the list, don't worry. We will work with whatever you have to give us. Now servicing Gibson, Calumet, and Patterson.
The laundry service cost depends on how much laundry you generate, how often you require our service, and what type of laundry it is. For a bid, email us: info@angiesstopandwash.com or call us: 985-255-4140
Commercial Laundry Services for Airbnbs, VRBOs, HomeAway
If you run a vacation rental like an Airbnb or VRBO then doing laundry will be taking up a lot of your time. If the rental is only one room then there are sheets and blankets to wash. If it is an entire hours then there are multiple rooms, plus kitchen and possible pool towels. With guests constantly coming and going, the task of doing laundry can quickly get out of hand. That is why you should use our Airbnb laundry service. We will take that laundry off of your hands and we will work with your schedule to make sure that you always have clean linens when you need them.
Commercial Laundry Services for Offshore Services
Offshore services can build up a lot of laundry. There is often bedding and towels in need of laundering. There is also laundry from the common areas, plus the work clothing and personal clothing of the workers. We have industrial machines that can get everything you need clean.
Commercial Laundry Services for Restaurants, Bars and Catering
Restaurants and bars have a lot of laundry to do at the end of every day. Everything from work rags to tablecloths need to be cleaned each night. If you want to look professional and have crisp and clean linens then you need to utilize our restaurant laundry service. We have industrial machines that can get your linens cleaner then you can.
Commercial Laundry Services for Spas and Salons
Spas and salons are known for having clean, soft, fluffy towels on hand for their clients. It is something that is expected. Don't disappoint your customers with towels that don't smell their best or are not as soft was they can be. We have expert launderers who know how to keep your towels and robes clean and soft.
Commercial Laundry Services for Nail Salons
Nail salon towels are often the victim of nail polish and acetone spills. Both items can leave stains and discolor your towels. We have expert launderers on hand that will work their magic to get your towels looking like new again. Our nail salon laundry service will come to your location as often as you need us to pick up your dirty towels and capes.
Commercial Laundry Services for Gyms, Rec Centers, Health Clubs
Places like gyms, rec centers, and health clubs use an enormous amount of towels. These towels are usually used to wipe off sweat and end up in a big moist pile in the locker room. These towels need to be thoroughly washed and dried so that they smell fresh and clean the next time someone uses them. Our towel cleaning laundry service will make sure that your towels are always unmistakably clean.
Commercial Laundry Services for Uniforms
Many industries require their employees to wear uniforms. Everyone from a fast food clerk to a flight attendant wears a uniform. Every uniform needs to be laundered at the end of their shift. Our uniform laundry service can clean and wash every kind of uniform. From the grease stained mechanic uniform to a doctor's scrubs. We will make sure that you look clean and professional.